In the last 24 hours, 1817 new corona positive patients have come to Himachal Pradesh including DC Solan and dozens of police personnel. In Himachal Pradesh, the number of corona active cases has reached 10553. While 1563 new cases were reported on the previous day. Corona has started gaining momentum in many districts of the state, which is becoming a matter of concern. The death toll from Corona has reached 3872. During 24 hours, 935 infected have become healthy and samples of 11361 people were taken for testing of corona. The report of Kovid test of the operator of Road Transport Corporation including DC, 12 police personnel, six electricians in Solan has also come positive. District Health Officer Dr. Mukta Rastogi has confirmed this. On the other hand, reports of six jawans in Kangra’s police station Damtal, four doctors in Mandi and 12 children have come positive. At the same time, the report of five soldiers in Bilaspur is positive. Three police personnel have come positive in Hamirpur. The state government has already taken steps to prevent the infection of the third wave of corona in the state. Vaccines are being administered to teenagers and booster doses to the elderly in the state. Apart from this, orders have been implemented to open government offices five days a week.