3148 people corona positive in Himachal in last 24 hours, seven people died

3148 people corona positive in Himachal in last 24 hours, seven people died

In the last 24 hours, the corona test report of 3148 more people in Himachal Pradesh has come positive. At the same time, seven corona positive patients have died in the state. This is the highest number of deaths in the third wave so far. Two people died in district Hamirpur, 70 years old, 58 years old in Shimla, 72 years old in Solan, 75 years old in Una, 105 years old from Kangra, 65 years old and 74 years old in Chamba. On the other hand, another case of Omicron variant has come up in the state. One person has come Omicron positive in Sirmour district. With this, a total of seven cases of Omicron have come in the state so far. The number of corona active cases in the state has reached 15210. 19 people are critical, who are admitted in ICU and oxygen beds. So far 252042 people have been infected with corona in the state. Of these, 233188 have been cured and 3892 have died. In the last 24 hours, 1861 patients were cured and during this time samples of 15210 people were taken for the investigation of corona.

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