A fire broke out at around 1 am in a 7-room house in Gheedi, Gram Panchayat under Nachan assembly constituency of Mandi. Due to which a 45-year-old man present in the house is feared to have been burnt to death. On receiving the information about the incident, the administration and BSL police station team reached the spot on Wednesday morning and started investigating the matter. But the cause of the arson incident is yet to be ascertained. The entire house has been reduced to ashes due to the fire. In the case, the forensic team has been called by the police from Mandi for investigation. It is being told that the person in whose name this house is. He is a resident of Upper Baihli area and his son used to live alone in this house for a long time. The car of the person living in the house has also been parked near the incident, but so far no confirmation has been made about the person. Giving information about the matter, Roop Lal Thakur, the deputy head of Gram Panchayat Ghidi, said that the 7-room The house has been burnt to ashes. While there is a possibility of a person inside the house, the police is investigating the matter. Confirming the case, SDM Dharmesh Ramautra said that the police administration team has left for the spot and is investigating the matter thoroughly. Is. But till now this incident of arson is not known. He said that forensic team has been called to the spot. Only then will it be known whether the person died in this incident of arson or not.
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