The Himachal Pradesh High Court has issued directions to the lower courts to dispose off the cases which are pending from more than ten years by December 31. Apart from this, five-year-old cases have been asked to be resolved by March 31, 2023. The High Court has prepared an action plan 2022-2023 for disposal of these cases. Along with this, the compliance report of the instructions has also been summoned. Reiterating the orders passed by the Supreme Court, the High Court observed that a common man actually makes an impression about the functioning of the judiciary from the functioning of the lower courts. For them the image of the judiciary depends on the intellectual, moral and personal qualities of the trial court judges. In the year 1992, the Supreme Court had said in its orders that only the judges of subordinate courts play an important role in the delivery of justice.
They come in direct contact with the petitioner during the proceedings in the court and are responsible for proper understanding or disposal of the case. The High Court said that disposal of old cases on the part of judicial officers should be considered as their sacred duty. If judicial officers give some extra time each day to dispose of these, a stronger relationship will be created between the courts and the litigants. In order to achieve this objective of the Supreme Court, the High Court directed the subordinate judicial officers that the hearing of old cases and old criminal cases should be held daily. The High Court directed the District and Sessions Judges not to allow the transfer of old cases. At least transfer cases from one court to another. District judges have also been directed to supervise the functioning of magistrates.