Shimla MC Elections may get postponed

No time left, Shimla MC Elections may get postponed

The Shimla Municipal Corporation (MC) elections will not be held before June 18 when the term of the current councillors expires. “There’s no time left to conduct the elections before June 18,” said a state Election Commission official.

The election-related process ended on March 15 when Simi Nanda, councillor from Nabha, challenged the delimitation process in the High Court, which ordered ‘status quo’.

The hearing in the case is over and the verdict is awaited. The Bench that heard the petition has reserved its judgment.

“Even if the judgment comes tomorrow, we will not be able to complete the process in time to conduct the elections before June 18,” the official said. He said that it would take around two months to conduct the elections from the day the verdict is pronounced. Once the term of the current House expires, the government may appoint an administrator to run the Municipal Corporation.

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