The outsourcing companies have now shown the way out to the staff nurses who served as outsourcing staff in the Kovid Care Center during the difficult times of the corona epidemic in the district, causing huge fury among the staff nurses. Staff nurses say that 6 A month ago, the duty of 60 staff nurses was put in Kovid Care Center Khaliyar Mandi. He said that during the Corona epidemic, he has continuously rendered his services by staying away from his family, but now his services have been stopped by the company from November 16. Last week the staff nurses submitted a memorandum of their demands to the state government. was also sent. Staff nurses have raised the demand of Jairam government to make a policy for them. She says that if she is ignored in the new policy, she will take the path of violent agitation against the government. For which the Government of Himachal Pradesh will be responsible.