Devotees have made a record breaking Rs 25.47 lakh cash offerings at the famous Shaktipeeth Chintpurni temple in a single day. The temple trust Chintpurni got this amount from cash offerings made on Thursday. This offering is the highest cash offering since the 1987 temple takeover. According to the information, about three years ago, the temple trust had received cash of Rs 22 lakh in a day, but this record was broken on Thursday. When the temple trust opened the donation boxes for counting on Friday, only 11 bundles of two thousand notes were found from the donation box. Counting the total offerings got Rs 25.47 lakh. Let us tell that devotees from all over the country reach the Chintpurni temple, which is included in the famous Shaktipeeths of the country. For 12 months, the movement of devotees stays in the court of the mother.