For the last few days, the cases of corona in the state are increasing at three times the speed. Cases have increased in the state since last 10 days. On December 31, the figure of active patients was 466. Now their number has reached more than five thousand. Fearing this, officials in the Secretariat and Headquarters are hesitant to meet people. Only one person is being asked to enter the room at a time. The extra chairs installed in the rooms of ministers and officers in the secretariat have been removed. The private secretaries of the officers have tied a rope at the door. Corona is spreading in four districts Kangra, Hamirpur, Solan and Shimla. In Kangra district, more than three hundred are getting corona positive every day, while in other three districts more than one and a half hundred are getting infected. According to the health department, people are negligent towards corona. People are getting infected due to not wearing masks and going to crowded areas. Here, the state government has asked people to follow the rules of Corona and take precautions. Chamba, Lahaul-Spiti and Kinnaur have less cases of corona than other districts of Himachal Pradesh. In these districts, less than 20 people are being found positive every day. that is a relief.