General Caste Category Commission will be constituted in Himachal Pradesh in three months. Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur announced this in the House on the first day of the winter session of the Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly. The Chief Minister made this announcement after a fierce protest by people outside the assembly under the banners of Devbhoomi Kshatriya Organization and Devbhoomi Swarn Morcha. With the announcement of the CM, Devbhoomi Kshatriya Organization and Swarna Morcha have decided to end the protest. A large number of people had gathered at Zoravar Stadium, about one kilometer from Tapovan, since morning demanding the formation of the commission. After this a furious mob tried to surround the assembly. The protesters broke the barricades and reached outside the Tapovan assembly complex. Some protesters tried to enter inside the assembly complex. Fire department vehicles were also damaged. After this, the police and fire department personnel used water cannon to stop the protesters. The protesters also pelted stones in which some people were injured. Vehicles of DGP and DC were also gheraoed. DGP Sanjay Kundu and DC Kangra Nipun Jindal were stuck in the midst of the crowd for some time. After this, Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur spoke to the protesters but he stuck to the announcement of the upper caste commission.