Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur has made big announcements in the program organized in Chamba on Himachal Day. The CM announced that 50 percent bus fare would be charged from women in Himachal. Up to 125 units of free domestic electricity will be provided in the state. Earlier, up to 60 units of free domestic electricity was being provided. Water bill will be waived in rural areas. The CM said that the Jal Shakti Department gets an income of 30 crores from water bills in rural areas.Earlier, Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur took the salute of the march past presented by the contingents of Police and Home Defense personnel. 12 contingents including NCC, NSS Police Band participated in the parade. During this, the Chief Minister honored the team leaders of the contingent who participated in the march past. Speaker Vipin Parmar and Forest Minister Rakesh Pathania along with Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur were also specially present in the function.