A Mother’s prowess is unsurpassed in this triple – cosmos as she is the mother of God also . A mother is not only a woman , rather she is mother of all human beings ! The word ‘ Mother ‘ has no definition ; this word is complete in itself . The mother who gives birth to a child after unbearable physical pain is given the status of ‘ Bhagwan ‘ , because ‘ mother ‘ is the mother . Bhagwan / God has created the entire universe through Mother . Becoming a parent is one of the most fulfilling , joyous and rewarding experiences of human life , but that doesn’t mean it’s easy . No matter how old our children are , our responsibility never ends . ‘ Mother ‘ is such a word , in which there is a sense of completeness of woman . It would be fair to say that the development of great souls takes place only in the womb and lap of the mother . When a child or a person makes some kind of mistake , we quickly say that we do not know what his parents have taught him ? The first word that comes out here is ‘ mother ‘ . Conversely , when the child does some good deed , or attains a high position , so we all say that his parents have given very good values . This means that whatever the circumstances may be , the name of ‘ Mother ‘ always comes first . A woman plays many roles out of which the role of ‘ Mother ‘ is worshipped . Mother is the first ‘ Teacher ‘ of her children and ‘ Family ‘ is the first ‘ Pathshala ‘ of the children . Every person in the world has many relationships and every relationship has the hope of getting something from us , but ‘ mother ‘ is the only relationship that knows only to give , not to take throughout life . Mother is always concerned about the welfare , well being and happiness of her children . She has an inner desire that her children should go ahead and take care of their family , earn name in the society and nation . In today’s fast pace of life , woman is forgetting her first duty ? Today’s woman is forgetting that many relationships are associated with her in making her ‘ career ‘ .

The success of a mother lies in the success of her family as well as her children . Mother’s love and affection and father’s discipline play the most important role in the formation of personality of any human being . From the time the child is born to stand on his feet , both mother and father has to go through many difficulties . This is anticipated by children when they become parents themselves . If any person has an identity or existence in the world , it is because of his parents . Every mother should make her child so strong that her child never deviates from the right path so that he is ready to face all kinds of difficulties . There is no dearth of such mothers in the history of our country India . You have heard or read about mother ‘ Suniti ‘ , mother ‘ Sumitra ‘ and mother ‘ Mandalata ‘ . These three mothers are unique mothers of Indian history . Mother ‘ Suniti ‘ had explained to her little kid Dhruv that you should not wish for a worldly father and not a worldly father and try to sit on his lap . Five – year – old Dhruv converted his mother’s preaching into a great resolve . He did severe penance and today the whole world sees the same immortal child of Mother Suniti in the sky in the form of ‘ Dhruvstar ‘ who is the most ‘ luminous ‘ . Mother ‘ Sumitra ‘ brought up her sons with great devotion and explained that they should never let their ‘ I ‘ come forward . While Lord Rama’s fourteen years exile to forest , Lakshmana went to Sumitra Mata and asked – Mother , I also want to go to the forest with my brother Rama , I will serve ‘ Ram Bhaiya ‘ / brother Rama . When Lakshmana asked for permission from her mother , then mother Sumitra had preached that while living in the forest , some attachment will definitely arise in you , you should not deviate from it . You should have only one goal in front of you , only your elder brother’s service , if you remember your parents or Ayodhya , then at that time you should consider your father in brother Rama , mother in sister – in – law Sita and the beauty of the forest that that is your dear life Ayodhya . Never deviating from her ‘ duty ‘ and ‘ service ‘ and saying this , the mother had allowed her beloved son to go to the forest . Mother ‘ Mandalata ‘ made one of her sons a yogi and another son a king .

Who doesn’t know ‘ Thomas Alva Edison ‘ ? One day when Edison came home from school and gave the letter given by his teacher to his mother , he said , ” Mother ! The teacher has given me this letter and said to give it only to your mother . Tell me what is written in it ? Then while reading the letter , the mother’s eyes stopped and while reading the letter in a loud voice , she said , ” Your son is very impressive . This school is very small in front of him ; we do not even have such qualified teachers to give him a better education , so you should teach your child yourself or send him to a good school . ” Later on , Edison became a great scientist with the education and blessings of his mother . Many years after the death of his mother , one day Edison was cleaning his room when he found a letter kept in the cupboard which he started reading . ” Your son is mentally ill , due to which his further studies cannot be done in this school , so he is being expelled from the school . Edison became emotional as he read the letter . Edison wrote in the diary , ” Thomas Edison was ill , but his mother made her son the most brilliant man of the century . ” Seeing the mothers of today’s time , there is sadness in the heart , they leave the piece of their heart in the crèche and go to the office . Can a crèche give a mother’s love for the child , ever in my opinion ? This is a means of earning money , which has been made by the rich . Earlier , the mother used to take care of her four – four , five – five children , while there was a lack of resources at that time . Finding it difficult to take care of a baby today whereas every resource is plentiful ? Why are we all running after our own needs today is incomprehensible ? We are giving so many facilities to our children that they do not need , like mobiles , laptops , etc. to the children to play , due to which the child is getting addicted to it . Many children are getting sick . Many even killed their mother and sister for mobile . Many ran away from home . After all , who is responsible for all these incidents ? Why did the ‘ Aarushi ‘ murder case happen ? Such incidents are happening every nowandthen . Some mothers do not like it when we say that do not give mobile to a small kid and they say that they will be fine when they grow up . This is tantamount to deliberately giving a ‘ stupid mother’s knife in the hand of a stubborn child ‘ . If we leave the plant after planting , can that plant give nutritious fruit and flowers , can it ? Never ! Chhatrapati Shivaji established the Hindu kingdom . He was taught by his mother in his childhood that Hindu nation should be formed . The meaning is that it is very important for us to educate our children about love for the country , family , society , only then our family , society , and the country will develop . These children are the future of our country . Today’s mother can neither be a historical mother nor are children becoming like those children . Earlier children have become great people whom we read today like – Vivekananda , Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishna , Rabindranath Thakur , Subhash Chandra Bose , and Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam etc. All of them were the seventh or eighth children of their parents and they may not have got the facilities like today’s children , yet they became great people . Yes ! One thing , they must have got a lot of love of the whole family along with the mother , which children are not able to get in today’s time . There is no dearth of great men in our India , if we start writing the names of everyone , then the paper will fall short . We all want to make our children doctors , engineers , professors , pilots but Vivekananda , Abdul Kalam , Rabindranath Thakur , Why not Rajendra Prasad , Lal Bhadur Shashtri , Saurabh Kalia , Vikram Batra , etc. ? Perhaps all these great men might not have got all the things that today children get easily , so where are today’s parents falling short ? This has become a matter of great concern . Today all women have to think whether we are able to give our children everything that they deserve . Money is not everything . Where is Kabir Das ji right ? Poot ‘ kaput ‘ then why accumulation of wealth ? Poot ‘ saput then why accumulate wealth ? That is , if the son is a bad son , he will also destroy the accumulated wealth and if he is a good son , he will earn the money himself . Today we are all in the 21st century .

Change is the eternal law of nature and we also have to move according to the new age , otherwise we will be behind the world . We should never leave our culture . ‘ Sanskar ‘ is what makes a person get the right assessment . Culture is the foundation of life , culture of living . This is the dignity and dignity of a person . ‘ Sanskars ‘ have always made a person happy and the person who does not give importance to the sacraments has to repent in the end . Our country India has globally become a force to reckon with and this makes each one of us very proud . But there still are some ugly truths that need our attention and it’s high time that we stop turning a deaf ear towards them . Female infanticide is one such social issue . Female infanticide is a heinous crime as it is a deliberate attempt to kill newborn female children after their birth or kill before birth in the womb . It is a century old phenomena caused by social evils likes poverty , illiteracy , child marriage , dowry system , births to unmarried women , maternal illness , sex selective abortion , etc. These barbaric practices are still rampant in Indian society , forcing people to commit social evils like female infanticide , female feticide , and sex – selective abortion . In spite of being criminalized , it is one of the most underreported crimes . Girl children in India often face various daunted challenges from their childhood to their adulthood or after marriage . On every step , girls face more rejection , discrimination , and fear than boys . This might not be evidently visible , but it is true . Sex ratio in India is rapidly decreasing . This is mostly to do with what is the ‘ Value of a Girl Child ‘ in India . Mostly in Hindu society , it is found and observed that the psyche of society as wanting of male child , if male child born first , then parents do not wait for another child as they fear to next girl child born . In this society , male children are increasing to some extent and female children are decreasing in comparison to the other non – Hindu societies in India . There is a strong preference for male children than female children . India as a society is insecure where girls are not safe and girls from poverty – stricken families are even more vulnerable . They are often subjected to different kinds of harm , neglect , and violence in the form of abuse , harassment , domestic violence , rape , etc. Most Indians have stereotyped opinions about girls . They are socialized to believe that girls will eventually get married and go to another household and serve them . Therefore , girls are often considered a financial burden . Educating them properly is not deemed necessary and their opinions don’t matter . This is one of the major reasons for preferring a son over a daughter . On ‘ Mother’s Day ‘ , it will be better if society changes its mind set towards the well – being of the girl children then it will be a greater respect for a ‘ Mother ‘ who herself was a female child or a girl .

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