Raj Bhawan Himachal


________ Pyar Singh Thakur, 7 H.P. NCC Shimla Nodal Officer for Media

Previous week on morning, I received a phone call from 7 H.P. (I) Coy National Cadet Corps (NCC) Shimla Commanding Officer Colonel, D.R. Gargey as usually officer calls me regarding something new task to assign me but on Friday morning it was a very special call about the special meeting NCC commanders with his excellency Governor of Himachal Pradesh at Raj Bhavan over the NCC pursuits and requirements of NCC in Himachal Pradesh. I was directed to report at 10:30 a.m. nearby the main gate of the Raj Bhavan as meeting of NCC commanders was scheduled at 11:00 a.m. It was my third visit to Raj Bhavan along with NCC commanders-Col. Suresh Bhaik, the Deputy Group Commander of 7 H.P. (I) NCC GP HQ Shimla, Col. D.R. Gargey, the commanding officer of 7 H.P. (I) Coy NCC Shimla and Col. V.S. Panag, the commanding officer of 1 H.P. NCC Boy Battalion, Solan.  I remembered my first and second visit as my first visit was regarding my university matters and second one was launching my book entitled ‘Anuvaad Samadhan aur Media Ke saath Sambandh’.  At exact time, the commanders reached Raj Bhavan along with their escorts. The entrance door of the Raj Bhavan opened and Governor’s staff members, officials, policemen greeted the commanders as per Raj Bhavan protocols. Earlier, I had observed and experienced such a highly respect is given to our Army soldiers and Army officers by Indian nationals and Indian society as well in comparison to other civilian officers. I was gleeful with that respect shown to our commanders that day as it was a salute to our Army, NCC and nation. After waiting a few minutes in the reception room of Raj Bhavan, NCC commanders’ meeting held with his excellency Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar in Governor’s Office.

His excellency Governor of Himachal Pradesh, Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar

The agenda of the meeting was issues of NCC in Himachal Pradesh and apprise to the Governor on NCC performance in Himachal Pradesh. Group commander Colonel Suresh Bhaik presented a latest report on the performance of NCC in Himachal Pradesh and history of NCC. “The NCC, started with twenty thousand cadets in 1948 Col. Suresh Bhaik, has thirteen lakh NCC cadets across the country and NCC is elective course in three hundred seventy seven schools and in ninety four colleges of Himachal Pradesh, and there are twenty nine thousand nine hundred and ninety four NCC cadets are enrolled till date  in Himachal Pradesh.  The Governor was briefed on the issues pertaining to the functioning of NCC in Himachal Pradesh. Deputy Group Commander Col. Suresh Bhaik and Commanding officer Col. D.R. Gargey brought main issues to the notice of the Governor were requirements of NCC Training Academy in Mandi District of Himachal Pradesh, provision of manpower related to acute shortage of clerical staff in all NCC battalions in Himachal Pradesh, provision of ‘Jetty’ at Bilaspur District of Himachal Pradesh for naval training of NCC cadets, timely Board for Selection of Associated NCC Officers in all educational institutes and creation of Additional NCC Group Headquarter in Himachal Pradesh. Viewing these requirements, Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar warmed to the solution of the requirements, and then his excellency Governor called-in Vivek Bhatia, the secretary to Governor to proceed on the further necessary steps to meet the requirements of NCC in Himachal Pradesh.  Wait for the time,  requirements of NCC fulfilled or not, this was the question perceived my psyche as in comparison to defense and civil, defensive matters are solved with a simple order, however, his excellency was very serious to NCC activities in educational institutes in Himachal Pradesh as NCC is the part of New National Education Policy to produce youths as good citizens, nation builders and backbone of the society and nation as well and inculcate moral values, passion of unity and discipline and passion of nationalism among the youths through both skillful education and NCC activities.

NCC officers with his excellency Governor of Himachal at Raj Bhavan

His excellency Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar was very happy with the NCC activities being done by NCC cadets under the serious efforts of the NCC officer to shaping the youths towards the right path of life and contribution of the youth for nation building and nation security in very near future. The achievements of the NCC cadets in different arena presented on the screen to the Governor including NCC camps, Republic Day Parades and cadets joined Indian Army as soldiers and officers after attaining NCC certificates with high grade. His Excellency assured to the commanding officers that he would felicitate such NCC cadets very soon who made better performance and it would exhort other youths to give their best for the society and nation building. Commanding officer Col. D.R. Gargey who is very serious to NCC activities in educational institutes of Himachal Pradesh and for gear-up NCC in better way, Col. D.R. Gargey leaves for remote rural areas of Himachal Pradesh to motivate students, teachers, local people and school administration to  take NCC towards the all around development of the students along with their study as modern posterity is not properly aware and motivated for the service of the nation and society and leverages of NCC. The rural youths, students and parents are not aware in this context neither media reach is available and awareness on NCC during their study, Commanding officer Col. D.R. Gargey added in the meeting. Commanding officer Col. D.R. Gargey projected that NCC is only organization which is a composition of Army, Air Force, Navy, Social service and Nation Building but towards NCC conveniences, awareness, motivation, financial support and manpower are ignored or no timely support received to nurture the cub- soldiers, nation builders of the future of India. The same opinion was of Deputy Group Commander Col. Suresh Bhaik, Commanding officer Col. D.R. Gargey and Col. V.S. Panag.  His excellency made encomium of commanders opinions as they are serious to shape the present generation towards the backbone of the nation through NCC pursuits. There should not be communication hiatus among the youths, teachers and administration to aware the youths towards their right aim as good citizens; his excellency Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar ensued to the commanders positively to furnish the requirements of NCC in Himachal Pradesh.  After have a lunch on behalf of his excellency to the commanders, me and with the secretary to the Governor  and have a little discussing over NCC requirements, it was seemed to be go good to tide over the pending requirements of NCC in Himachal Pradesh.  However it was a entice day for all as there would something better on the part of NCC in Himachal Pradesh to grapple with the problems of NCC for the present and future generation of Himachal Pradesh  as now waiting for the progressive message from the Raj Bhavan!

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