Due to the Model Code of Conduct in force for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Himachal Pradesh, the process of Indira Gandhi Pyari Behna Sukh Samman Nidhi Yojana cannot be started nor can new beneficiaries be added to it. Due to the code of conduct in force for the Lok Sabha elections, women will not get Rs 1500 right now. The Election Commission has given clear instructions that the scheme or work in which new beneficiaries are to be added cannot be included.
In this situation, after the announcement of providing Rs 1500 to women just before the Lok Sabha elections by the Congress government and notifying the scheme, new beneficiaries will get the benefit only after the Model Code of Conduct ends on June 6. Congress had promised to give Rs 1500 per month to women above 18 years of age under its guarantees given before the assembly elections. After launching this scheme from Lahaul-Spiti on February 25, it was approved to implement it in all the districts.
No letter has come from the Central Election Commission regarding the Pyari Behna Yojana. The Election Commission has instructed that no new scheme can be started during the Model Code of Conduct, nor can new beneficiaries be added. – Manish Garg, State Chief Electoral Officer