Leopards in Kanlog

Not one but five leopards in the forest of Kanlog, caught in trap camera

Not one, but five leopards are roaming in the forest of Kanlog – Downdale in the capital. Three of these leopards are small and their age is about five to seven months. The movement of five leopards has been seen in the trap cameras installed in this area by the Forest Department. There is also a female leopard among them. There are three kids walking around with it.

On August 5, when a six-year-old girl was picked up by a leopard from Kanalog, the female leopard was also seen with three children in the trap cameras installed here. Its cubs were small at that time. But now they have grown up. However, right now they are not able to hunt alone and are roaming with the female leopard. According to the Forest Department, the movement of another leopard has also been detected from the cameras.

This leopard had also reached near the cage installed in Kanlog and it is being estimated from its claw marks that it is quite big. According to the Forest Department, the movement of five leopards has been detected so far. Their number may be more. The department says that efforts are on to catch all the leopards right now. Surprisingly, none of these five have come to the cage.

Central team changed the location of the cages

The team of Central Wildlife Department, which reached Shimla to catch the dreaded leopard, inspected the forest of Kanlog on Monday. During this, the location of the cages placed in the forest has been changed. The Forest Department has put up about half a dozen cages in Kanalog and Downdale areas. Right now the number of cages is not being increased, but some new trap cameras are being installed. APCCF Anil Thakur told that the central team has visited the forest. The location of the cages is being changed.

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