In the last 24 hours, 511 new corona positive patients have come. While a 37-year-old infected person has died in the district Mandi. The number of corona active cases in the state has crossed two thousand and reached 2153. Within the last four days, there has been an increase in Kovid-19 patients in the state at three times the speed. The government has issued an alert regarding a possible third wave. After returning from Bilaspur, Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur took feedback on Corona from Chief Secretary Ram Subhag Singh and Health Secretary Amitabh Awasthi on Friday. He instructed the department to increase the samples. Sampling of 7667 people was done in the state on Friday. It has been asked to do 10 thousand. On Saturday, Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur will hold a virtual meeting with the Deputy Commissioners. Chief Secretary Ram Subhag Singh said that on Friday a meeting was held with the Deputy Commissioners regarding Corona. In this, instructions were given to increase the number of beds in the hospital. The Deputy Commissioners have been asked to visit the hospital to take stock of the arrangements. Apart from this, instructions were given to make arrangements for dealing with corona, medicines, masks etc. in hospitals.