Preparations are on to bring 2,555 SMC teachers working in government schools of Himachal Pradesh on contract. On the instructions of Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur, the Education Department has started the work of preparing the proposal. On the occasion of Independence Day on August 15, the Chief Minister can make this big announcement in favor of teachers. On Thursday, the Chief Minister had assured the SMC teachers, who had come to meet the secretariat, that the government would soon make a sure solution for these teachers. Such a policy will be made in which there is no legal impediment. In this episode, a proposal has been sent by the Directorate of Elementary Education to the Principal Secretary Education on Friday.Under this, it has been recommended to bring SMC teachers on contract. At present, there is a post wise difference of Rs 7,800 to Rs 10,822 in the salary of SMC teachers and other contractual teachers. The Directorate has clarified in the proposal that SMC teachers fulfill the rules of NCT and Recruitment and Promotion Rules. If the government wants, these teachers can be kept on contract. PGT, DPE, TGT, C&V and JBT teachers are appointed through SMC in government schools.
Proposal to form Board-Corporation for outsourced workers The
state government is now seriously considering to appoint outsourced employees in the government departments of the state by forming a corporation or board. The state government is trying to adopt the model of outsourced recruitment in other states of the country including neighboring Haryana. At present, the state government is making outsourced recruitments through companies.
Pay after bringing on contract
PGT Rs 14978 Rs 25800
DPE Rs 14978 Rs 22860
TGT 14978 Rs 22860
C&V Rs 11609 Rs 21360