shrikhand mahadev yatra 2024

Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra to begin from 14th to 27th July

Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra 2024, one of the most difficult religious pilgrimages in North India, will run from 14 to 27 July this time. The online registration process for this will be started from Thursday. This time, pilgrims will be prohibited from taking shortcuts during the journey. A blueprint was prepared for the successful organization of the Yatra under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner Torul S Ravish.

On Wednesday, the meeting of Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra Trust was held in the committee hall Nirmand. The meeting was chaired by Shrikhand Mahadev Yatra Trust Chairman and Deputy Commissioner Kullu Torul S Ravish.

The Yatra Trust Chairman said that this time the Yatra has been divided into five sectors. In this, base camps will be set up by the administration in Singhgad, Thachru, Kunsha, Bhim Dwar and the last base camp of the Yatra, Parvati Bagh. Sector magistrates and police officers and in-charges will be appointed in this. Medical staff, revenue and rescue teams will be deployed in these base camps. This year, for the first time in the Yatra, the unit of rescue team SDRF will be deployed in the last base camp of the Yatra, Parvati Bagh.

He said that an online registration portal has been created for the devotees coming from outside states for Shrikhand Yatra, the portal will be opened for online registration from Thursday. The short cut paths made by the devotees last year above Parvati Bagh will be closed this time for security reasons. Apart from this, instructions have been given to the officials to repair the paths.