There will be 63 types of free tests in primary health centers in Himachal

There will be 63 types of free tests in primary health centers in Himachal

Apart from medical colleges, zonal hospitals and community health centers in Himachal Pradesh, now the primary health centers (PHCs) will also have free tests for patients. There are 586 PHCs across the state, in which tests for 63 types of diseases will start within one and a half months. The health of lakhs of population of rural areas of the state rests on these PHCs. Actually, the state government has tied up with a Pune-based company for the test. Pharmacists will take samples of patients in PHC. The company’s employees will take these samples daily from the PHC to the labs set up in nearby hospitals. By 4:00 pm, these employees will send the report of the samples to the PHC. After this the doctor will be able to start the treatment of the patients.

After the agreement, the health department has asked the company to set up labs in government hospital premises. Earlier, this facility was available only to patients falling in 11 types of categories in hospitals, but now everyone will get the benefit of free test facility. This also includes ultrasound and CT scans. Ramesh Chand, Deputy Director of the Health Department, said that according to the agreement, the company will give up to 41 percent exemption to the government in the test. The government will bear the amount of tests of patients. Patients will not be charged for the test. Hemoglobin, Blood Group, Stool, Urine, Dengue, HIV, HCV are included.

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