Peace meal workers working in the workshop of Himachal Road Transport Corporation in the state have again started the movement. These indefinite tooldowns have gone on strike. They did not go to work across the state including the capital Shimla. The work of HRTC has been affected due to the strike. There is a problem with the repair of the buses. Had started the movement earlier also, but after assurance from the government, they returned to work. Now the agitators sat outside the workshop and protested against the state government and the corporation management. Due to this the work in all the workshops of the corporation was affected throughout the day. Himachal Transport Corporation Peace Meal Employees Manch President Khem Chand, General Secretary Hari Krishna Sharma Sharma, Joint Secretary Manoj Pal and other officials said that the Government and the Corporation Management have cheated the Peace Meal employees. Even after repeated assurances, the employees have not been brought on contract. Now the Peace Meal workers across the state will continue this tooldown strike till the time the government and the corporation management do not issue orders to be taken on contract. The office bearers of the forum said that Transport Minister Bikram Singh Thakur had promised in the presence of the Managing Director at the time of talks with the Peace Meal employees at Hotel Peterhaf on 24 August that the contract would be taken within two weeks from the beginning of September. After which the Peace Meal employees had withdrawn the movement believing the minister’s words, but the Government and the Corporation Management have flouted the promise. 5 Peace Meal employees of the Corporation have died even before the contract was taken. These employees were expected to come on contract but they died before they could be taken on contract. The Peace Meal Employees Forum officials said that one of the employees had committed suicide by committing suicide. Apart from this, one died due to accident and one heart attack in the workshop itself. Apart from this, two employees had died due to corona infection.