Thousands of BHM degrees of Himachal Pradesh University invalid

Thousands of BHM degrees of Himachal Pradesh University invalid

Thousands of Bachelor in Hotel Management (BHM) degrees of Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) have been declared invalid. The HPU administration, bypassing the rules of UGC, got the four-year BHM degree completed in three years. The Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Commission has caught this big mistake in the investigation done on the basis of complaints.

The Commission has also apprised the UGC and the University of Technical Education about the matter. Apart from HPU, these degrees have also been given against the rules in four private colleges of the state. About three thousand degrees in the entire state have now come under suspicion.

As per UGC Notification No. F5-1/2013 (CPT-2) dated 5th July 2014, BHM degree is of four years duration. In the year 2015, the HPU administration started this degree, but being careless, instead of giving these degrees after four years, it was given in three years. Apart from this, HPU has also recognized four colleges for catering to BHM including BSc HM and BHM.In these colleges also, the degree of four years was completed in three years. After the matter came to the notice, the commission has sought information from four private colleges including HPU regarding recognition, degree duration and fee structure of these degrees. Due to this negligence of HPU, the future of thousands of youth doing jobs after getting BHM degree has come in danger.

Why has the HPU administration asked for a four-year degree for only three years? In the commission’s investigation, the three-year degrees of BHM issued so far are invalid. – Atul Kaushik, Chairman, Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Commission

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