As soon as the new academic session of schools and colleges begins, along with studies, other activities in the interest of the students are equally important. NCC especially attracts the students in these activities recruitment and enrollment in NCC develops the qualities of army, patriotism and ideal citizen and personality of the students. In this context, a meeting of school and college principals was organized by the 7 HP (I) National Cadet Corps (NCC) Shimlahere on Monday, which was presided over by Commanding Officer Colonel D.R. Gargey at NCC office Shimla. In this special meeting, Commanding Officer Col. D.R. Gargey discussed with the school and college principals about the enrollment of new students in NCC in the new academic session and NCC activities and facilities. Col. Gargey praised the principals for the facilities being provided for NCC activities in schools and colleges and said that there are many such educational institutions which do not give importance to NCC in their institutions for the interest of the students while joining NCC develops discipline, unity, nation-building spirit, nation-love, patriotism-passion and become excellent citizens along with studiesand NCC also nurtures the future. ” Youths are the strength and shield of the nation, it is the responsibility of all of us to show them the right direction and the role of teachers is more important in this direction”, said commanding officer Col. D.R. Gargey. In the meeting, discussions were held regarding enrollment of new cadets and recruitment in NCC and upcoming NCC activities and other training activities this year. Present in the meeting were Sunil Rautha, the managing director of Roots Country School Baghi; Pretender Singh, the director of Shimla Public School,; Vidhupriya, the Principal of St. Thomas School Shimla,; Bharti Sharma, the Principal of Mount Shivalik School Jubbarhatti and Anuja, the Vice-principal of St. Bedes College Shimla. All the principals and school directors suggested and assured to further improve the facilities of NCC, enrollment of cadets and NCC activities so that the students get full benefit of NCC.